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Intrepid World

"When you embark for strange places, don't leave any of yourself safely on shore.
Have the nerve to go into unexplored territory."
- Alan Alda

The First Time...

...I left New Zealand, I travelled to Western Samoa... by myself. It was exactly what everyone had told me not to do. And it turned out to be one of the best experiences

of my life!


Traveling always provides a certain kind of thrill for me. Whether that involves taking a risk and diving headfirst into the unknown, or simply experiencing an iconic location from my own perspective, I always find it envigorating for the soul.


Intrepid World is a showcase of first impressions throughout my travels, and is my way of sharing some of that wonderlust with the world. It's about living in the moment; experiencing the the light, the landscape, the culture. Intrepid World is about adventure! 


This project began for me in Samoa but is now an ever-expanding collection of work which I have been compiling during my travels throughout New Zealand and abroad.


The basis for this project is to inspire people to travel, to learn by making mistakes, to live in the moment, and then to go back out and do it all again tomorrow!

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